


布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心

莫斯科,ID 83844

MS 4291






勤工俭学是一项基于需求的经济援助计划,旨在为全日制学生提供兼职工作,帮助他们支付学校的相关费用. 资金由政府(75%)和菠菜app有哪些(25%)共同提供。. 勤工俭学奖学金是基于需要的,通常与其他类型的经济援助相结合. Earnings must be from a University of Idaho department, no non-University of Idaho jobs are offered at this time.

如果学生获得了全部勤工俭学奖学金,他们可能不会继续工作,除非学生经济援助办公室增加他们的奖学金. 增加是基于学生的经济需求和资金的可用性. 收入超过奖学金的学生必须从院系奖学金中支付.

The job request must be approved in 握手 before hiring a work-study 员工. Each academic college and some larger departments have a work-study 委托.

  • 创建工作请求的主管将审查申请人,面试并雇用.
    Please notify our office if there is a change 在监事.
  • Hiring of work-study students must not result in the displacement 经常受雇的工人.
    该计划的目的是创造新的和扩大的就业机会. 禁止用勤工俭学基金支付的学生雇员代替被解雇(任何原因)的全职雇员.     

支付 利率 应该遵循卫生保健工资标准的指导方针吗. 主管是 负责确定工资标准,并在适当的时候提供加薪. 支付 利率 should be determined by the type of work, 表演, 技能, 和经验, not the size of the student's work-study award. 最低工资是 $7.25.

学生应该与他们的导师安排一个时间表,并遵守 it. If they are unable to work they should contact their supervisor. 根据联邦法规“勤工俭学学生的工资是一小时的工资” 工作一小时.“没有带薪午餐时间、学习时间、假期、病假、假期等. Students are allowed the same morning and/or afternoon 作为正式员工休息. A student should not work more than 40 hours in a week, total of all University of Idaho employment. 这是……的责任 主管要及时跟踪学生的收入和奖励余额,以确保学生 不能超过授予的金额.

要求学生准时、高效、合作地完成任务. Those who do not perform in such a manner may have their work-study job 终止. 请电子邮件 finaid-workstudy@polang43.com if problems arise that cannot be resolved within your office. 请注明学生姓名、身份证号及解约原因. 学生应该事先得到警告,并给予合理的时间 在终止前纠正问题.

有关方面的明确指示 to assigned duties and expectations should be given by the supervisor. 当 如果缺乏监督,或者没有形成合作的态度,就会导致员工缺乏合作 work-study coordinator should be contacted.

Hours worked will be entered in MyUI Web Time Entry. MyUI系统以百分之一小时为单位计算工作时间:2小时15分钟= 2.25 (rounded to the nearest hundredth of an hour).

Due to federal work-study program audit requirements, 工资办公室被要求保存5年的电子考勤表.

不熟悉电子考勤流程的主管可以查看教程或访问 web time and leave entry training manual.

A student may not exceed their award amount. 该部门不应批准会导致勤工俭学奖励超额的小时数. 例如:如果学生有足够的剩余来支付20小时和30小时的工作, only 20 hours should be submitted on the work-study budget, the remaining 10 hours should be paid from your IH account. You will need to request a new IH EPAF for future earnings and 终止勤工俭学EPAF.

Please do not add a work-study budget to an existing IH time slip. 这将在支付roll中生成一个报告, and they automatically revert the hours back to the IH budget. 在所有的文书工作和批准完成之前,学生不能从勤工俭学基金中获得报酬. 在开始工作之前,学生必须从人力资源办公室获得工作授权卡. The student must renew their Work Authorization Card every three years.


一个部门不得在6月1日以后为学生提交一个财政年度的追溯学时. 6月1日之后提交的任何小时将被记入部门IH账户.

请电子邮件 finaid-workstudy@polang43.com with your student 员工s V# and full name.


“社区服务”的定义修改为 是由高等教育机构通过正式或非正式的方式确定的吗 consultation with local nonprofit, governmental, and community-based organizations, as designed to improve the quality of life for community 居民,特别是低收入个人,或解决特殊问题 与他们的需求相关的,包括

  1. Such fields as health care, child care, literacy training, education (含辅导服务)、福利、社会服务、交通、住房 and neighborhood improvement, public safety, crime prevention and control, recreation, rural development, and community improvement;
  2. 服务机会或青年团的工作,定义见第101(*)条 《体育菠菜app推荐》,以及各机构的服务, 第124 (a)条[**]中指定的机构和活动 《菠菜app有哪些》;
  3. Support services to students with 残疾的人
  4. Activities in which a student serves as a mentor for such purposes as
    • 辅导
    • Supporting educational and recreational activities
    • 咨询,包括职业咨询

*Section 101 of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 defines the terms "service opportunity" and "youth corps program" as follows:

  1. Service opportunity - a program or project, including service learning 使学生或校外青年能够表演的计划或项目 在机构、机构和情境中提供有意义和建设性的服务 在运用人类的才能和奉献精神可能有助于满足人类需求的地方, 教育、语言和环境方面的社会需要,尤其是那些 与贫穷有关.
  2. Youth corps program - a program, such as a conservation corps or youth 服务计划,提供全职,生产性工作(通过) stipends) with visible community benefits, in a natural resource or human 服务设置,这给参与者提供了工作经验,基本和 life 技能, education, training, and support services.

**Section 124(a) of the National and Community Service Act (NASA) of 1990 提供下列机构、机构和活动的清单:

  1. In the case of conservation corps programs, focus on 
    • Conservation, rehabilitation, and the improvement of wildlife habitat, 牧场、公园和娱乐场所
    • Urban and rural revitalization, historical and site preservation, and reforestation of both urban and rural areas
    • Fish culture, wildlife habitat maintenance and improvement, and other 渔业援助
    • Road and trail maintenance and improvement
    • Erosion, flood drought, and storm damage assistance and controls
    • Stream, lake, waterfront harbor, and port improvement
    • 湿地保护和污染控制
    • Insect, disease, rodent, and fire prevention and control
    • The improvement of abandoned railroad beds and rights-of-way
    • Energy conservation projects, renewable resource enhancement, and recovery 生物量
    • Reclamation and improvement of strip-mined land
    • Forestry, nursery, and cultural operations
    • Making public facilities accessible to individuals with 残疾的人.
  2. 在人类服务团队项目的情况下,包括参与服务
    • State, local, and regional governmental agencies
    • 疗养院、收容所、老年中心、医院、当地图书馆、公园、 娱乐设施,儿童和成人日托中心,项目服务 individuals with 残疾的人, and schools
    • Law enforcement agencies, and penal and probation systems
    • 主要关注社会服务的私人非营利组织,如 作为社区行动机构
    • Activities that focus on the rehabilitation or improvement of public facilities, neighborhood improvements, literacy training that benefits 受教育程度较低的个人,天气和基本维修 low-income housing including housing occupied by older adults, energy conservation (including solar energy techniques), removal of architectural barriers to access by individuals with 残疾的人 to public facilities, activities that focus on drug and alcohol abuse education, prevention and 自然资源的处理、保护、维护或恢复 公有土地
    • Any other nonpartisan civic activities and services that the Commission determines to be of a substantial social benefit in meeting unmet human, 教育或环境需要(特别是与贫穷有关的需要)或 in the community where volunteer service is to be performed; or
  3. 包含第(1)段和第(2)段中描述的重点和服务.




布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心

莫斯科,ID 83844

MS 4291


