

U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. 登录SlateConnect.


A sustainable campus is one that is not dependent on vehicles and can be easily traversed by foot or bicycle. The University of Idaho is fortunate to be located in a walkable and 自行车able city. Surrounded by scenic 自行车 lanes and walking paths, most Vandals prefer to walk or 自行车 to campus. 当我们走路时, 自行车, 拼车或乘公共汽车去学校, we are reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to a cleaner environment.

2020 Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report,总CO2 排放量为1,056吨/年, a 32% reduction from the previous year and a 47% reduction since 2005! Commuting emissions made up only 5.占总排放量的1% profile in 2020, highlighting our community's desire to participate in reducing our impact on the environment.

U of I’s 2020 emissions profile, a pie chart with the following values: electricity 50.2%; refrigerants 0.9%; animals/fertilizer 10.3%; transport fuels 2.7%; stationary fuels 16.9%; wastewater 0.3%; solid waste 0.5%; food 4.7%; T & D损失2.1%; financed travel 6.2%; and commuting 5.1%.
U of I’s emissions profile from 2020, with commuting making up 5.占总排放量的1%.

For more information on parking and transportation, visit the Parking and 运输 office’s website.

走 is the best way to travel across the University of Idaho. Our campus and the city of Moscow fit within a walkable 2-mile diameter circle, making walking the most inexpensive, efficient and convenient mode of transport. 了解更多 about the walkability of the U of I and Moscow. 了解更多 about the walkability of the U of I and Moscow.

If walking or 骑自行车 are not convenient for you, local transit is another sustainable option. The U of I and the city of Moscow have multiple local transit options, including the SMART Transit system, the U of I Lyft Pass and the Moscow VanPool. 了解更多 about using local transit.

Biking at the University of Idaho is a fun, convenient and healthy way to get around campus. We have plenty of bicycle friendly features that make 骑自行车 the preferred method of transportation for many Vandals, 包括自行车停放, 航空站和自行车道.

  • 友好的特性
  • 单车特色地图
    • The U of I has an interactive map that can show you places you can safely park your 自行车 on campus. 查看交互式地图, and then select the “Bikes” layer from the layer list. 


In 2020, transportation accounted for the largest portion (27%) of U.S. 温室气体排放总量. More than half of transportation emissions come from personal vehicles alone. The transportation sector is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions globally; this includes cars, 卡车, 商用飞机和铁路, all of which release greenhouse gas emissions that pollute our environment and accelerate climate change. When we rely solely on our cars to transport us, which are primarily powered by fossil fuels, we are emitting gases that contribute to a warming planet. That is why the University of Idaho encourages Vandals to choose an emissions-free mode of transportation when travelling to campus whenever possible. The University of Idaho is lucky to be in a city with plenty of walking trails and 自行车 lanes that make getting around better for the environment and more fun!


Vandals can help the U of I be a more sustainable campus by choosing emissions-free transportation when possible! 无论是散步, 骑自行车, 滑冰, 乘公共汽车,甚至拼车, Vandals can make a difference in keeping our air clean and protecting the environment. When we choose emissions-free transportation, not only are we making a good decision for the community, but also a healthy decision for ourselves. Below we have provided some resources that explain the impact of transportation on the climate and why emissions-free transportation can lead to healthier, 幸福的人.


Pedal power is convenient, efficient, scenic and sustainable





电子邮件: uofi-sustainability@polang43.com
